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Russian collage: from Picasso’s devotees to originality

Collage holds a special place in the history of 20th century art. It is one of those phenomena that seem to remain passively on the sidelines, yet contribute to the creation of major trends in culture. It is believed that collage appeared in art in 1912, when Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso began experimenting with it in search of new means of expression. In Europe, the technique was taken up and used with relish by many representatives of Futurism, Cubism, Nouveau Realism, Dadaism and, in the USA, Pop Art. Collage has always developed separately, within different artistic movements.

In Russia, collage has always had its own isolated way, which has seen the trials of war and Soviet propaganda, the grip of ideology, the difficult recovery in the 90s and the blossoming of advertising in the 21st century. We have selected the most significant artists in the history of Russian collage who have influenced its development.Games played with curved sticks and a ball can be found in the histories of many cultures. In Egypt, 4000-year-old carvings feature teams with sticks and a projectile, hurling dates to before 1272 BC in Ireland, and there is a depiction from approximately 600 BC in Ancient Greece, where the game may have been called kerētízein or because it was played with a horn or horn-like stick. In Inner Mongolia, the Daur people have been playing beikou, a game similar to modern field hockey, for about 1,000 years.
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